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Leaf cutter ants

Leaf cutter ants can be any of the 39 species that live in the American tropics.[1] They are incredibly strong for their size as they can carry loads of up to 50 times their own weight - this would be like you or me carrying a medium-sized van.[2] The reason why they collect leaves is not for their own consumption but for the fertilisation of a fungus which lives underground in their nest. In return, this fungus provides food for the ants in the form of the fungal strands or protein-containing bodies called gondylidia.[1]


Photograph: Leaf-cutter Ants, © Kate Dey, 2014

[1] Encyclopaedia Britannica, (2013), leafcutter ant, [online], available at: Accessed 1 December 2013

[2] BBC Nature, (2013), Leaf-cutter ants, [online], available at: Accessed 1 December 2013.



© Kate Dey, 2016

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